Celebration of Running
In 2023 we’ve seen the running culture grow exponentially, from new communities forming left and right, people are more conscious about what to wear – what gear is in, what is out – to races that are anticipated by many. With the uprising of running, we thought a celebration is needed for all that comes with running, the runners, the community, and especially the people who’ve been capturing inspiring moments that transcend running to the state it is right now, the photographers.
Collaborating with four of Indonesia’s prominent photographers, Alif Ghifari from Bettr Visual, Andra Maulana from We Inframe, Petra Krissetianto from Cyclistgrapher, and Reza Fitriyanto from Demakijo, together we’ve made a photo exhibition that serves as a celebration for all. We hope that this event will spark more creatives in the scene and sprout events like this to be held more often by more parties. To commemorate this event we also made merchandise that is now available on our website, click on the button at the bottom of the page to go to the collection.